Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tonight, the stars shine bright.

     I got lost in the night again. I just stopped and got sucked into the sheer beauty and immensity of it. I mean, wow. Wow. I would have stood there all night if I hadn't gotten cold. Have you ever looked at something, something you see all the time, and then you look at it again and it suddenly takes your breath away?
     I mean, think about it. God gave us everything we needed to survive; food, water, an intelligent mind and the ability to put our ideas into action. And then, God decided to give us things we didn't need. He didn't have to. He could have just given us a brain and thrown us into the wild. He didn't have to give us color, or music, or flowers, or trees, or laughter, or beauty...he didn't even need to give us stars. But he did. Why do we even have stars? They don't even have anything to do with how I live my life or what goes on in it...but God gave them to me anyway. Is that amazing, or what?
     Words cannot even describe what I feel. I am just blown away with it.
So go outside tonight. Look up at the stars. Now let it soak in and revel in the fact, God thought of you when he did that. He made them for you. He knew you would enjoy them. So, enjoy.:)

1 comment:

    I agree with you so much it's scary. YES! YES! YES!!!!!
    :D That's all.
