Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Favorite Song" is my favorite song.

          I love this song. And I don't just mean, "I enjoy listening to this song over and over." I mean, I really, really love this song.
     Jesus is my savior and I love him with every bone in my body, with every fiber of my being. I could sing his praises all day. Sometimes I want to. I love learning about him and thinking about him and how I can better serve him. Every time I think of him, I am filled with awe and wonder at his magnificence and power.
     I wish I could explain this love. It's mind consuming. I think about him everyday, and every time I do, I smile, because I know he loves me even more then I could possibly imagine.
     But my love is not blind. There are many things about God and his word that confuse me. Sometimes, I am discouraged because some questions I have been asked by non-believers about God and the bible, I am unable to answer. But my love for the Lord only pushes me to find the answer to these questions. I don't overlook these; I try and answer them to the best of my ability.
     God, help me to help others understand my love for you. You have given me eternal life, a gift I I didn't ask for or even deserve. You payed a debt you didn't owe. You gave your life for my wretched one so that I may be able to spend an eternity with you in heaven. Don't let me ever take that for granted.

     "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

     I know this verse is used a lot and you've probably read (or heard) this passage hundreds of times, I really never get tired of it. Look at it and meditate on it's words. God loved us. He doesn't just love Billy Graham, or the apostle Paul, or Mother Theresa, or the Queen of England...he loves us all. All of us equally. The King of the world, the one who created the universe, the One who made the immense Red Wood trees, the One who made the mighty roaring oceans, the One who made the stars and galaxies...loves me. Little me. He loved ME so much that he sent his Son to free us from sin. God knew very well His son would be beaten beyond recognition, he would be hated by men and finally left to die, not a peaceful, romantic death, but a painful, brutal one meant for the worst of criminals.
     I guess I never will fully comprehend what he did for me, but it still blows me away whenever I think about it; blown away by his love. I wish I could make others understand what I feel. This invigorating zeal for Christ and the furthering of his kingdom. But that's the beauty of it; you have to find it yourself. You appreciate it so much more. Then, you will understand true joy and peace.

     "The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad."
Psalm 126:3

Thursday, January 17, 2013


When anger rises, so do words,
They take flight like frightened birds,
The air goes hot and fire burns,
Something snaps and then you learn,
Inside every man and child,
Lurks a beast, dark and defiled.

 Dragon 1

Dragons never left our earth,
Each time we hate, our hearts give birth,
To scaly, rotten dragon beasts,
Who eat friendships for their feasts,
They sever families, destroy homes,
Cast out men to the unknown.

Spewing fireballs of wrath,
Glaring at each smile and laugh,
Roaring at each terrified soul,
Making sure all pay the toll,
Spitting mindless tongues of flame,
Not caring who will get the blame.

Hurting loved ones, burning friends,
Feeling spiteful till it ends,
The Dragon skulks back to it's lair,
Till the angers' too much to bear,
Then Dragon rises and stands up tall,
Making others slip and fall.

He loves it when you shout and scream,
When we're angry, spiteful, mean,
When you grow weary, weak and old,
Dragon will grow strong and bold,
He'll make you bitter, make you hate,
Till the day you meet your fate.

Dear children, if you think or say,
Angry things, he's here to stay,
He relishes the pain he gives,
And all the time he's let to live,
Dragon wants to fill you whole,
He wants to claim your heart and soul.

 Dragon 3

Corrupt your body, fill your mind,
With his defiled Dragon hide,
Taint your trust, fowl you ears,
Whispers of deceit and fears,
Eat your thoughts, consume your eyes,
With anger, mayhem, envy, lies.

So fight the Dragon, tooth and nail,
You just cannot afford to fail,
Control your temper, hold your tongue,
Do this now, while your still young,
Love you neighbor, and come what may,
Keep the beast, Dragon, away.

 Dragon 4
"Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles."
Proverbs 21:23